Justice / Corrections

SBG Advisory is currently working on a number of major infrastructure projects and programs in the Justice / correction services sector. We bring to these projects and programs many years of business case development for a range of infrastructure developments and programs. Our experience is founded on our ability to immerse ourselves in the environment in which our clients operate, balancing policy direction with stakeholder interests.

Currently, we are addressing infrastructure necessary to resolve the under supply of prison beds and working with key partners to develop prison pre-release rehabilitation programs and post release reintegration programs that go to reducing recidivism, particularly in the Indigenous sector.

We have also completed a review of business case requirements for major prison infrastructure and courts projects in NSW, Western Australia and Victoria, involving a range of scoping elements including innovative operational and program parameters to reduce recidivism, and business transformation through adoption of latest communication technologies and efficiency gains in service delivery.

Projects include the Ravenhall 1300 bed Prison in Victoria working with Aboriginal service provider, The Gathering Place Medical Aboriginal Corporation. Our joint aim is to design and deliver infrastructure and programs that go to reducing recidivism in the Aboriginal cohort by 14% from 2019. SBG Advisory is proud to be involved in such an important community and social justice program that we hope will make a big difference over the long term.