Social Media / Market Research
SBG Advisory recognises the importance of social media as a mechanism for engaging with consumers. We act for both private sector and public sector organisations that realise the importance of the digital medium in the success of their business.
SBG Advisory acts as corporate advisor to Latitude Insights, a leading on-line market research enterprise. Our work involves close collaboration with the proprietors as they forge the next stage of business growth that requires injection of additional resources. The on-line market research sector is constantly changing due to high frequency technology advances and rapidly developing sophistication of consumers. Our approach has been to listen to our client as it outlines opportunities it envisages for the business in this dynamic market place, to test a number of medium term scenarios and value these, and to mutually agree a way forward recognising the strategy may need revision as market forces prevail and stakeholder interest varies.
We continue to act for cultural institutions that experienced business transformation as result of the advent of multimedia in the last decade of the previous century. During that period we established a reputation in the market place for success in guiding clients through this transformation process and we identified with these organisations a lack of resources and skills to leverage this fast moving and dynamic space to reach its customers. Our clients include art galleries and museums, heritage and garden venues, theatres, performing arts halls and conservation organisations all with significant on-line memberships. We have devised ways for these organisations to develop their social media tool kit, to define realistic targets for development of content and to establish a regime of push contact appropriate to the subject matter. We assist clients to build capacity and capability using a mix of in-house and external agency resources to form teams. We recognise the nature, functionality and volume of original content available before defining areas for improvement. Our focus is not simply to re-Tweet items that catch social media trends but to develop robust tools. For the more dynamic players utilising social media we have deployed tools that can track the sources and authenticity of items circulating in the social media environment.